Mrs. Mac's Cleaning Arsenal |
Since we ditched our anti-bacterial soap/cleaning products several years ago.. the family has had fewer colds and flu . At one point in my homemaking career .. I tried to eradicate every germ on every surface with an arsenal of highly advertised products .. (liquid soaps .. scrubbing bubbles .. etc.) Fast forward .. and remove yourself from current society .. just think back on how homes were cleaned a hundred years ago without modern products ... one has only to turn to the kitchen pantry to find alternative (cheap) cleaners.
For windows I use a recycled spray (window cleaner) bottle and fill it with one cup white vinegar with two cups tap water and a small squirt of dish soap (adding a drop or two blue or green food coloring .. so the family will 'think' it's effective;). This can be used on windows .. stainless steel appliances .. sinks, bathtubs and toilets.
Squeaky Clean Tub .. pic by Mrs. Mac |
For cleaning sinks/tubs .. try just a small drop of dish soap and sprinkle with baking soda .. use a soft clean rag and a little water .. rinse.
Toilets .. same as for sinks but use a few extra drops of dish soap. Any hard water rings can be safely removed with a pumice stone. Spray your window cleaner on another cloth to wipe down the seat and rim.
Mirrors .. a soft cleaning rag (lint free) and a little window cleaner is all that's needed.
Use caution on marble (any acid such as vinegar or lemon juice may dull the surface if not wiped immediately) .. I find no problem using the window cleaner on sealed granite counter tops .. just wipe well after spraying.
Three products: Baking Soda, Dish Soap & White Vinegar will clean your home just as well as those expensive products .. saving you a ton of money .. and the environment each year. (2 gallons white vinegar & 13.5 lbs of baking soda cost under $10 and
will last a very long time ... purchased in bulk at Costco).
Essential Oils .. a little drop goes a long way! pic by Mrs. Mac |
I often use a small drop of an essential oil on my damp cloth (such as Rosemary or tea tree oil) giving the cleaned areas that refreshing health spa aroma.
More money saving tips: Using cotton rags (made from old washcloths, torn up towels, flannel sheets, sweat pants, etc.) works better than paper towels ..
if you stop using fabric softener (Downy or Dryer Sheets) .. and instead use 1/2 cup of white vinegar in the wash rinse. Fabric softeners tend to leave a filmy residue on fabric and may streak mirrors.
Bar soap .. and 20 seconds of scrubbing = clean! |
When using bar soap, invest in a little footed insert for the soap dish .. it keeps the soap elevated and out of any water .. making it stay cleaner and last longer. A single bar can be cut into four smaller sized pieces .. perfect for hand washing.