of the month already. WOW!
January is a good month to get back on track .. and review the previous year's spending habits.
We are ever grateful to have an emergency fund and didn't have to charge for this repair! Our home had a plumbing fiasco that lasted nearly three full days ... WITHOUT WATER! All I can say is, 'thank the Lord that we have 18 inches of snow on our property! What started out to be a simple 'fix' .. by adding a whole house water filter to help reduce the high mineral content of our well water, turned out not so quick .. and a BIG FIX. We had so much mineral buildup on plumbing connections that the shutoff valves in the basement failed. Leaving us to dig and tap our way through snow, under cover of starlight, in a vague area, we tried to locate the main shut off meter some 200 feet from our home. Not fun! Hubby was on bucket patrol while the plumber and I dug. Thank goodness the ground was well insulated from the snow and not frozen. We finally found the meter and shut off the water. No flooding inside .. a good thing. (Note to self and hubby .. have meter well flagged for winter.)
Day one without water .. was OK. We had stores of gallon and five gallon jugs of water that got used sparingly.
Day two ... still OK .. but now I thought I'd try my Big Berkey water filter with melted and filtered snow that had been treated with the recommended drops of bleach. We just got it for Christmas for such emergencies as this ... followed all the directions .. except we hadn't tried the test adding red food coloring to see if the filters are really working. We had initially primed the unit when we got it (by soaking the filters in water for a specified time) and began using tap water .. Hum .. well .. before I want to drink minimally treated melted snow water, I thought we'd better do the food coloring test. And it failed! So .. we were without drinking water. (BTW .. we have new filters in route). We had about 5 gallons of drinking water left by day two .. after using much of it to flush toilets once in a while. By afternoon .. I was melting snow in my canning pots on the wood stove AND kitchen stove. This water was used for bathing, washing hair, boiled to wash dishes, flushing toilets .. everything but drinking.
Day three .. water was not restored until midnight or later. What a glorious sound .. the rushing of gurgling water recharging the pipes. Melting snow throughout the day for dishes, etc. by now was getting old .. but it worked out fine. Our main emergency 'hole' was not having the Berkey water filter up and running ... AND not having some paper plates .. dishes piled up quickly .. I'm not a big paper user .. but for emergencies, I think it's a good thing to have.
By the end of this trial, I had a greater respect for the Neanderthals and how they survived in cave dwellings .. hunting .. gathering .. all without the aid of crippling modern conveniences. We are such a weak people in all reality .. even with our modern ways.
We are ordering a VERY LARGE water storage tank for the garage.
Photo: Great grandparents at their farm in Blandinsville, IL, with five of their six children .. my grandpa was yet a twinkle in grandma's eye. Stable boy and governess also pictured. Hodges farm, circa 1903-4
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Friday, January 04, 2013
Easing Into Retirement

Our goal over the next several months is to get caught up with our future bill reserve so we can then budget and 'practice' living on our predicted retirement income and banking any extra. This endeavor has become almost exciting as we whittle out unneeded expenses and return to thrifty buying practices (thrift stores, garage sales, used items) consciously making an effort to watch EVERY penny.
Happy New Year from our home to yours.
Sound financial advice for getting out and staying out of debt.
Thrifty Living,
Through The Years
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