Photo: Great grandparents at their farm in Blandinsville, IL, with five of their six children .. my grandpa was yet a twinkle in grandma's eye. Stable boy and governess also pictured. Hodges farm, circa 1903-4

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The final part of our front yard to be landscaped, that being the fire pit, is coming right along. Last month it was hydro-seeded with lawn. The past week Mr. Mac has been putting down landscape rock in the culvert area. Hopefully this fall, when plants go on sale at the end of the season, I hope to buy some slow growing, low to the ground bushes and perennial lilies to add to the rock area. I have to keep this area rather unobstructed and flat so we have an area to pile up snow from our driveway during the winter.


Pat said...

Oh, it looks so beautiful and peaceful. Break out the marshmallows, and turn down my bed, I'm ready to vacation at the Mangy Moose Lodge!

Felisol said...

Dear Mrs. Mac,
You are a superb planner. I would not have thought of snow in summer.
I know from my birth home that snow can be a huge problem, especially when one's got nowhere to put it.
Here by the sea one's usually just have to wait for a day or two and it's all gone.
My Mom would have been lucky to have a driveway like yours.
Ftom Felisol

thisgoodhearth said...

You are really lucky to have all that land! Nice landscaping.