ROOF IS UP ... I'm so happy, so very happy ! Last week it rained inside my new home ... the roof was not completely covering the top of the house. There was water everywhere ... but by the following day, it was 90% dried out ... Now it can rain all it wants, as long as the wind doesn't blow rain sideways through the window openings. The color is called mission brown ... so is my basement floor color (um). Two bathtubs have been "installed", the rough-in plumbing for the entire house is about completed, and the bonus room above the garage now has a framed end wall, flooring, stairs, and the bathroom. Here's a few pictures I took today.
You must have a good crew, it seems to be really moving along now. Glad to see my room is a priority!
Dear Mrs. Mac
The roof is blue!! Oh so nice!!
That is my favorite color.
Just like it is a refection from the sky!
You have so many windows!
Do you have a window over your kitchen sink?
I have ALWAYS wanted a window there!
I love seeing all the progress you are making...Love Terry
Hello "little gift"!
Have a blessed Sunday...from your Canadian admirer
Hi Terry ... well, the roof isn't actually blue ... it's in rather a dark coffee brown with shades of mocha. It may look a bit blue as most of what is showing in the picture is an underlayment of roofing felt. I too love a window over the kitchen sink; but since this was not possible I've opted for the next best thing, a sink looking out into the great room with a view of the woodstove.
I guess I am a little color blind Mrs. Mac!!
Oh well even though you DON'T have a window over your kitchen sink...at least you DO have that beautiful window room!
And you HAVE the best bathtub in the whole wide world!!...Love Terry
How exciting!!!
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