Weekly Report: The weather has turned from a damp, chilly Memorial Day and skipped right ahead to warm summer sunshine. This heat-up should make the newly hydro seeded lawn sprout and be green before DH arrives with his mom on June 14th. Yesterday I shopped around for patio furniture to use in the backyard; it's made from all weather wicker ... I ordered three counter stools to use in the kitchen. Our rain gutters were installed ... and I finished planting some bushes I purchased last week. The nursery lady gave me a list of deer resistant plants ... let's hope she's right!
Oh Mrs. Mac...I am going to come over for a nice bon fire and a wiener roast!!
I could pick up Miss Patty on my way!!
What say?...Love Terry
I'm ready when you are Terry!
You have managed to get it all together and ready for hubbys arrival. I'd say he's one fortunate man - but I have a feeling he already knows that!
you are the me i wish i was.
I've been "lurking" on your blogs --as my busy life has allowed some reading but not much time for posting comments.
But I can't hold back any longer from saying that I think your home is absolutely beautiful!
You are indeed blessed--in so many ways!
Someday, I'm coming to sit in that hottub.
You'd all be welcome ... let's have a "blogfest" weekend ... it'll include manicures/pedicures ... sipping tea ...swapping recipes to feed the body and soul ... and rocking that sweet baby ... we'd have to take turns. Then we could have a wiener roast and make smore's (Miss Terry's in charge of that). Sara, you bring the special roast coffee,Pat, your chicken papakarish, and Deb ... your artwork ... we'll have an auction. Sound fun?
Hey Deb....You better read a few more past posts.
I have already told that Miss Patty "hands off" that bathtub.
Now I have to tell YOU??
Well, that tub belongs to ME!!!
Just in case you're wonderin', eh?..Love Terry
Everything is looking lovely!! Is hubby coming home for good? love the music you've added to the site too...
i love it! and the double decks ... cool! :o)
here's hoping that all the greenery grows and grows and grows!!
Dear Mrs. Mac..
Didn't anyone light that camp fire yet?
It is summer doncha' know and it is going pretty fast if you ask me!
It is high time that you started to toast some hot dogs and marshmallows for the two little guys!!...Love Terry
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