Photo: Great grandparents at their farm in Blandinsville, IL, with five of their six children .. my grandpa was yet a twinkle in grandma's eye. Stable boy and governess also pictured. Hodges farm, circa 1903-4

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Fruit Tree Pests ~ Killed Naturally

I came across this blog that has a remedy for fruit tree moths and thought it might be worth a try this spring (when we ever get into spring ... ugh) .. anyhow.  Check it out if you have such trees that are plagued with moths/worms.

Moth Killer Recipe

Enjoy the day!


Sue said...

Sounds amazing. I've bookmarked the page to show hubby. I'm glad you had this---I hate all the spraying he does.

OPCCook said...

Thank you for linking to my post, Mrs. Mac. We have really been amazed at how many moths we have killed. Hoping to have a great fruit year this year!! You've a really nice blog!!