I see a few 'holes' in our emergency preparedness that will soon be rectified. Things we've talked about for over a year.
Our home has been designated as the family meeting place for an emergency .. unless there is a forest fire in our path (God forbid) ... so when planning, I have to keep that in mind supply wise.
We recently installed a wood stove for heat. Our pantry is stocked. Extra water supply needs to be addressed. Alternate cooking devices can tide us over for a few weeks.
Our home is wired for a generator .. which we have yet to purchase. This would be used just to keep our freezers from thawing and a few lights running inside our home .. but only on a short term basis. When gas runs out and is not available, we'd be using up our canned goods AND lighting our home with oil lamps and candles.
In an emergency, following the evacuation mandates given by authorities is a must. Have cash available and a bag ready to grab that contains extra clothes, emergency food, water, etc. Don't rely on the government to rescue you should you disobey such orders.
What's your best advice for emergency preparedness?