I see a few 'holes' in our emergency preparedness that will soon be rectified. Things we've talked about for over a year.
Our home has been designated as the family meeting place for an emergency .. unless there is a forest fire in our path (God forbid) ... so when planning, I have to keep that in mind supply wise.
We recently installed a wood stove for heat. Our pantry is stocked. Extra water supply needs to be addressed. Alternate cooking devices can tide us over for a few weeks.
Our home is wired for a generator .. which we have yet to purchase. This would be used just to keep our freezers from thawing and a few lights running inside our home .. but only on a short term basis. When gas runs out and is not available, we'd be using up our canned goods AND lighting our home with oil lamps and candles.
In an emergency, following the evacuation mandates given by authorities is a must. Have cash available and a bag ready to grab that contains extra clothes, emergency food, water, etc. Don't rely on the government to rescue you should you disobey such orders.
What's your best advice for emergency preparedness?
Mrs. Mac,
Oh your veggies look yummy. I'd like to put in a stove like yours could you tell me the name brand? Do you happen to know if it would take pellets as well as burn wood?
I read your blog often and am reminded as I go what needs to be done. Thank you.
Very nice post Cathy. This is definitely somthing we have been discussing lately as well. Your new stove looks cozy :)
Rita .. the brand of stove we purchased is KUMA
here's a link
They are made in our area. I didn't see pellet stoves on their web page .. mostly free standing and fireplace inserts. It's got a good EPA rating and heats our entire home .. minus the basement.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Tonya .. we need to get together soon.
Hmm, what's my best advice for emergency preparedness?
1. Live simple and understand how to use items before you need to. For example, cook upon your woodstove weekly to learn how it cooks. You can make flat breads, soups, pasta, and well anything on a stove top...I have(make a dome with foil or the likes to create an above oven.
2. Don't expect anything to work...so adapt. Have foods that require no cooking. Anticipate no water and prepare for this by appreciating how much available water you have in the home. (Toilet tanks, water heater, etc.)
3. Don't be stubborn. Leave your home and ALL your items. It adds undo clutter in a vehicle and creates unneeded attachments. The government should not be your first line of awareness. If it is being touted as a epic storm...decide quickly if you can sustain or LEAVE. Do not wait for mandatory evacuations. You will be caught up in traffic, and this is the only time you will really need to go potty...stuck in a million mile auto pile up.
4. Maintain calm. When we lose our peace-we lose everything. Close your eyes, count and feel your heartbeat slow down. Sing camp songs, hymns or what not to bring you to a level that allows those around you to feel calm.
5. Start today prepping for the next time. Never go to the stores like we have seen over the past week. It is chaos...and it detracts from #4.
6. Figure out a plan of action for food in the fridge and freezer now.
oops...I realized I was writing a book~forgive me.
Thanks for this question, and I pray we all prepare...
Humble Wife summed it up perfectly!
I can always feed the family on what is in the house for quite a while. And thankfully, we do have a generator. I did NOT go in a rush to the store. Haven't been since last week's trip.
Cooking daily keeps things simple, and simple is more self sufficient and frugal!
I second what the Humble Wife said. I would also carry extra batteries for radios, flashlights...ect....
another bathroom source. My recommendation is to not buy those fancy camping toilets that cost an arm and leg. Pick up two of those large painting buckets from Home Depot (the orange 5 gallons buckets)and put them together (for height), place a plastic garbage bag inside (have extra bags to change out later), then get a hard plastic toilet set cover (this will fit right on the top of the bucket) from Wal-mart in the camping section along with chemical deodorizer (bottle) and extra toilet paper. I would also have a large trash can with green thick contractors garbage bags with a lid to discard your dirty toilet bags.
Make sure to have some type of chemicals for your water for cleaning the water (chlorine pills, clorox)
Make sure to have a complete first aid kit.
Additionally, have some form of security to protect your family and belongings.
I could keep typing for now, I will stop.
Mrs. Mac,
It's me again. I wanted to say, I really like your stove.
I'm always surprised when disasters hit--especially ones that have been forewarned by at least a week--at the number of people that have done NO preparations and expect to be bailed out by authorities. We are woefully unprepared for much of anything in this country. So sad to see.......
Thanks to Daddy, I have a generator which runs off of natural gas and supplies power for entire house to operate as thought nothing had happened. Of course, that won't be dependable if the disaster lasts for very long because lengthy power outages would affect the pressure in the gas lines. Since I live so far out in the country, I would be affected by low pressure early in the process. I would have power long enough to make other plans. I have canned goods that would feed me for a long time, at least a month. Drinking water is an area I have to prepare for as well. I have a crank operated flashlight and a camp stove with extra fuel to last a month and I always have a 'go' bag packed. (That comes from many, many emergency trips to the hospital with Momma, Terry and Daddy as they were getting sicker.) I have all my necessary papers in a special fire-proof box and ready to go at a moment's notice. I don't trust the bank to keep my papers. All of my important information is also downloaded onto a flash drive and in my 'go' bag, that would include some pictures. So, I guess I'm good if I would just remember to stock pile some drinking water. Thanks for this reminder. I have to take care of that!
That broth looks SOOO good! Lots of good advice given for emergency preparedness. I need to stock up more on canned foods. The problem is that I try not to eat or feed my family too much canned food because it isn't usually as nutrient rich as fresh or frozen produce, and you have to rotate it and use it because it does eventually spoil. But, as if Storm Sandy isn't enough, you've definitely got me thinking.
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