Photo: Great grandparents at their farm in Blandinsville, IL, with five of their six children .. my grandpa was yet a twinkle in grandma's eye. Stable boy and governess also pictured. Hodges farm, circa 1903-4

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 6

No pictures .. but I did manage to spray the fruit trees with a dormant oil spray that I made using water,  organic clary sage & fir vegetable oil soap, vinegar .. and 1/2 teaspoon tea tree oil.  My pump sprayer was no where to be found . . . so I used a spray bottle .. definitely not a small job!  Thank goodness the trees have not budded or leafed out and are only a few years old.  Now it's time for a lazy Sunday afternoon nap!

1 comment:

Mrs. Mac said...

Clary sage is sedative .. now I know why I got so tired after spraying the trees. I use clary sage essential oil as a sleep aid ... It just happened to be in my soap .. duh!