Walls, roof trusses, stairs ... beginning to take shape. Tomorrow (Friday) I'm off to pick out bathroom and kitchen tile and countertops.
Photos: 10/12/06 of new home under construction ... furry friend ?? Just a visitor that my kids thought I should have brought home!
Is that my room over the garage? Can I pick my colors yet? I'd like black and taupe toile fabrics with a little black check for accent and taupe walls ~ thank you.
That little dog looks right at home!
BG ... Oops! I already picked out the colors, but taupe on the walls will still work (maybe) ... But you'll have a beautiful antique pewter finished bed, a petite Lazy-Boy rocker/recliner in gray, pewter floor lamp with burgandy shade, and bedding of faded/quilted gray/taupe/butter yellow and muted burgandy toile ... it's prettier than it sounds ... trust me :)
Sounds lovely to me! Thanks for the recliner and reading lamp, that's a very thoughtful addition!
I'm a sucker for toile...any color!
Dear Mrs. Mac..If you haven't chosen the bathtub yet, maybe you can get one of those old fashioned ones with legs.
When we moved into this small house, I had to leave a big one behind. I love them because I am so tall!
These modern ones are way too small!!
I just baely wet my big toe in those ones!!...Love Terry
Terry ... the bathtub in the masterbath is an old fashioned clawfooted tub. I'm a tub person, so I'm getting just the right size.
How exciting!
Wow, its really coming along fast now, isn't it? How exciting!
Hi Mrs. Mac How have you been doing?
I seem to always come to this new house blog of yours.
I love it so much!
Betty is feeling so well now that she will be starting back to work Oct 31.
Then I will have more time and I plan to start reading your main blog because it looks really interesting.
Have a good day and kiss that little guy and tell him how special he is and how you specially NEED him!....Love Terry
I just thought now that I never did tell you that Bernie grew up in an institution.
He was a foster child and never could quite handle that as a five year old boy so they ended up putting him into a large government building that housed about 2500 boys and girls.
Lots of the kids were special need children that the parents instead of keeping them at home had put them into the institute.
Bernie says that he had the best life that any child could of had living there with so many special people round him.
I can see it in Bernie's eyes whenever he passes one of these darlings how much he loves them and respects them.
Loves them because they are so gentle and respects them because there is no meaness in them.
They are truly the salt of the earth!
Well I beeter hurry off to bed...Love Terry
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