Coffee's on ... pull up a chair and have a cup while I fix us a snack. Our kitchen is the hub of the home. It's open enough to move around in ... but not large enough to get lost in. From the sink I can visit with company, look out the dining and great room windows, keep an eye on the stove. Putting away dishes is a breeze.
It looks so good, I'd love to sit and have a cup of coffee with you. I like your choice of appliances, just what I would have chosen too.
Your grandmothers chandelier is so pretty. It's so much more meaningful then just going to Home Depot and getting one off the shelf. Beautiful!
Yes, it would be nice to be sitting with you and Miss Patty having a cuppa'coffee.
I like mine no sugar and whipping cream!
It is no wonder I am so fat and that Miss Patty is no help either Mrs. Mac.
I was forced to make a big pot of spaghetti the other day because she had a scrumptious picture of a steaming plate of it on her blog.
NOT nice!!
Have a good day, you two.
I am off to take my mom out.
Still have to write you a letter, Gramma Mac, when the world slows down a bit...Love Terry
Whenever we go to my niece's for a family get-together, I always take a "before" picture of the food spread table Mrs. Mac.
Could you do the same thing for us?
I would love to see what the kids are enjoying evry Sunday at your house Gramma Mac!...Love Terry
OK ... Miss Terry ... I'll try to remember the pics :)
Never mind the pics - I'll just come over.
I was just thinking that you had BETTER get over there Miss Patty.
That baby will be in school by the time Gramma Mac coughs up that promise about your having the guest room and the little gift will be old and gray!!...
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