Great Backyard Bird Count
Take part in this year's Great Backyard Bird Count sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon. This special event is to take place February 13-16, 2009, so mark your calendars. What a great way to spend a winter weekend with your kids or grandchildren. Grab a pair of binoculars and a camera ... follow the directions here. Stop back and let me know if you participate ... I'd love to see your photos.
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This is a great activity to welcome spring. May you have fun and joy as you count all those winged creatures that come into view. Reminds us of how God loves to provide even for the sparrow...
I don't think I have time to join the birdwatching...I can do that but but I'd have to spend time looking some of them up. I love to watch them at the birdfeeder though. God constantly delights us. Well, I'm off for a little nap before choir practice. I'm remembering to turn my coleous! My starts are all rooted now and I'm about to start new 'starts'. Think of the money I'm saving....grin. We'd love to have a small greenhouse. Wouldn't it be fun?
I haven't seen many birds come to think of it. You know what I like? When spring comes and you wake up in the morning to the 'time of the singing of the birds'...oooh such a treat! All my coleus have rooted like crazy. I keep procrastinating about getting them planted... so I can start more. Its rather exciting to have them multiplying themselves for me. Finally, one of my newly rooted African violets is sending up some tiny baby leaves...yay!!! I was about to give up on it.
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