Photo: Great grandparents at their farm in Blandinsville, IL, with five of their six children .. my grandpa was yet a twinkle in grandma's eye. Stable boy and governess also pictured. Hodges farm, circa 1903-4

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Homemade Stick Deodorant

It's not that difficult to make a very effective stick deodorant  right in your own kitchen.  At first I was skeptical of using this ... but a year later, I would  not switch back to a store bought product again.  My daughter, Ann, is in the health field and works up close with patients ... she loves this product and feels confident using it everyday.

Here are the ingredients:
  • 1/4 cup organic corn starch
  • 1/4 cup organic baking soda (marked non-aluminum)
  • 2+ tablespoons LouAna brand coconut (solid) coconut oil
  • 10 drops tea tree oil (or you could use lavender oil - I LOVE tea tree oil)
For directions and pictures, check out this link for quick stick deodorant.

I chose to use organic corn starch because it's non GMO (genetically modified) .. and organic baking soda as I've read that regular has aluminum in it .. where as organic does not.  LouAna brand coconut oil is available in the grocery store; I prefer it to organic as it does not have a coconut scent.  Coconut oil is solid at room temp (up to 76 degrees).  If you live in a very warm climate, you might need to refrigerate this product .. or store in a cool spot.


Kathryn said...

That would melt in about half an hour in So. Cal. For Orange County i just put it in a jar & apply it with my fingers (tho i blend in coco butter, jojoba butter, shea butter, & lanolin & also a little zinc-based diaper cream). I melt it together in a double boiler & then blend in the (organic) powders (i also use organic) & then pour it in the container & let it cool. I like it a lot & feel confident in working closely with people.

I tried, because all these things become "gel-like" or even liquid at warm temps, to make it into a gel container, but it wasn't worth the effort.

I've not found coconut oil to blend like she showed. For me it is either very hard or liquid. I'm allergic to lavender - it would make me itch like crazy.

NOT being critical here - just trying to share my experience. I've been using this for about a year & a half & have found it to be really good. I wouldn't switch back, either.

Thanks for visiting today. Seeing your name always makes me smile. :)

Mrs. Mac said...

Good points Kathryn. I find this recipe mixes best when the coconut oil is softened a bit and sometimes I use more than 2 Tablespoons. We live in a cool area and I've never had the mixture melt even during the summer.

Laurie said...

Great idea! I'm going to try this. I just wished I'd been saving my containers.