great grandparents, Charles and Laura Calundan |
gr-great grandparents, Minnie & Henry Melcher |
I've been researching my family tree for several years now. A photo of one member has eluded me for the longest time. That of my great grandfather Charles Calundan. He emigrated from Lading, Denmark in the 1880's and ended up in Osmond, Nebraska. Hubby was organizing some memorabilia boxes down in the basement .. when what should he bring to me .. not only a photo BUT also a newspaper article recalling some of my great grandparents and great-great grandparents history as told by my grandmother for a centennial newspaper article. Elated is too small of a word! Tomorrow I'll relate some of their covered wagon adventures:)
Mrs. Mac, I came across your blog by the next blog button. :) My husband and I have three children and live in Southeastern Idaho and when I read your profile comment about having a handicapped son I couldn't help but write to you....My husband's brother has down syndrome and is now 24 but I grew up Christian and recently have become a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. His brother and our extended family, including us have felt so comforted and accepted as part of this church. They are located all around the world. The title of your blog caught my eye because I enjoy design and organization as well! Please feel free to email me! I'd love to learn more about you!!!
Tammi tfarmer@live.com
How exciting, I look forward to hearing more about them.
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