Henry and Minnie Melcher's home, Osmond, Nebraska |
Yesterday I recalled a elusive photo for our family tree. Today I'll share a bit about my great-great grandparents. Originally both from Germany, Minnie and Henry Melcher somehow arrived in Wisconsin. From there they traveled by covered wagon to Norfolk, Nebraska to farm the land for a number of years; they lived in a sod or log house. In 1887, the couple moved about 40 miles away to Osmond, Nebraska where they bought land and farmed west of town. In later years, they bought a home in town; their home and property is where St. Mary's Church stands today.
Minnie Melcher's Parlor Lamp |
This beautiful parlor lamp once graced a table of Minnie and Henry's (and later their daughter Laura's) home. It somehow escaped breakage through the years. My father had it for many years and promised to somehow get it to me. This past autumn, a friend and neighbor of mine was driving through his area in Missouri and agreed to pick up the lamp and transport it home to me. I pray that my family can one day pass it on to another generation. It currently sits on a dresser in my bedroom .. waiting for a good dusting!
Minnie and Henry's son, Oscar, recalled (in the newspaper article), "The
blizzard of 1888, Charlie Dunham and his 6 pair of oxen which broke sod for many farmers, the brick yard in 1898 run by Grinshaw, Mame Jones Millinery Shop .. and the years from approximately 1899 to 1904 that he worked for R. J. Crystal and Wylie drug store until the fire of
1904 razed the whole west side of main street."
Oscar Melcher |
Boy ... I wish I had the inkling to ask more questions when my grandparents were alive. Trying to piece together information is challenging to say the least .. a treasure hunt of sorts.
More hunting tomorrow.
Wonderful story and I love the lamp!
Thank you for sharing all of this, it is pretty neat that you ended up with that lamp...what a treasure.
You come from great stock! Peace
Interesting family story. Are you a member of Ancestry.com? I'm also involved in family genealogy. Next year I plan to write a few family stories such as yours. It's so fun to read these. Fun discoveries, isn't it?
The heirloom lamp is beautiful!!
Lynn .. yes to Ancestry.com .. and a few cousins that have put together extensive family trees that I have been able to glean from. Plus many original photos that my mom inherited being an only child. Makes for interesting research and discovery, eh?
Yay Nebraska connections!!
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