This website is just bursting with herbal remedies and makes mention of the author's grandmother's 'doctoring journals' ... take a peek and see if it offers inspiration for a natural 'cure' for what ails you.
Old World Cures for Winter Ailments
Photo: Great grandparents at their farm in Blandinsville, IL, with five of their six children .. my grandpa was yet a twinkle in grandma's eye. Stable boy and governess also pictured. Hodges farm, circa 1903-4
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Do You Want To Feel Better?
Several years ago I was a wreck physically: Sleepless nights, aches and pains in feet, shoulders, knees and hips. Creaky knees when climbing the stairs. Dry skin on face. It is not by some magic pill that I feel well now. I did not look forward to growing any older.
Fast forward five years. With a transition to a better diet, one that includes a variety of whole foods .. including grass fed meats, raw milk, organic farm eggs, organic produce, bone broths, healthy fats, cod liver oil and magnesium supplements, and almost zero processed foods, I have made a transformation health wise to feeling more energetic and zero pain.
Shame on Western medicine practices that 'sell' pills for this and that and totally overlook that our food is the key to our health. You really are what you eat.
It's a bit more expensive to eat healthy .. but you only have one body. And future medical expenditures for poor health will, in the end, be more costly to 'fix' than taking care of our physical well being at a younger age.
How does a person go from a poor diet to a healthy diet? SLOWLY. One area at a time. I started by eliminating processed foods that were causing hives. Then cut way back on sugar and simple carbs. While increasing fresh produce. Then adding sprouted grains, homemade bone broths and finally, cod liver oil and an occasional dose of magnesium.
If you are in poor health, please consider your diet and treat your food as your sustaining life force to good nutrition.
Teach yourself how to grow a few edible vegetables .. and add to your garden each year. Teach your children and grandchildren how food is grown. Cook together with your family. Teach yourself and family new skills each year to provide, cook, bake obtain good quality food. With the speed of the internet, you can hone your skills in no time. Take baby steps towards a healthier future. The earlier you start with your children, the easier the transition.
Who needs the gym? Workout in the garden. Walk around your neighborhood. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Exercise should be free!
Here's to your good health!
Fast forward five years. With a transition to a better diet, one that includes a variety of whole foods .. including grass fed meats, raw milk, organic farm eggs, organic produce, bone broths, healthy fats, cod liver oil and magnesium supplements, and almost zero processed foods, I have made a transformation health wise to feeling more energetic and zero pain.
Shame on Western medicine practices that 'sell' pills for this and that and totally overlook that our food is the key to our health. You really are what you eat.
It's a bit more expensive to eat healthy .. but you only have one body. And future medical expenditures for poor health will, in the end, be more costly to 'fix' than taking care of our physical well being at a younger age.
How does a person go from a poor diet to a healthy diet? SLOWLY. One area at a time. I started by eliminating processed foods that were causing hives. Then cut way back on sugar and simple carbs. While increasing fresh produce. Then adding sprouted grains, homemade bone broths and finally, cod liver oil and an occasional dose of magnesium.
If you are in poor health, please consider your diet and treat your food as your sustaining life force to good nutrition.
Teach yourself how to grow a few edible vegetables .. and add to your garden each year. Teach your children and grandchildren how food is grown. Cook together with your family. Teach yourself and family new skills each year to provide, cook, bake obtain good quality food. With the speed of the internet, you can hone your skills in no time. Take baby steps towards a healthier future. The earlier you start with your children, the easier the transition.
Who needs the gym? Workout in the garden. Walk around your neighborhood. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Exercise should be free!
Here's to your good health!
Friday, December 06, 2013
No Knead Bread
This recipe is just too easy to even claim that it is GREAT! But that is the case.
No Knead Bakery Quality Bread
The only changes I made to the recipe: Cut the salt to ONE TEAPOON, and I used regular granular yeast (which worked perfect). Also, when the bread has baked 30 minutes I slide a metal canning jar ring under the parchment/bread to keep the bottom from scorching when you return it to the oven without the lid to further bake. Otherwise, this is a very simple recipe.
Hubby so enjoys his lunch sandwiches toasted on this bread.
No Knead Bakery Quality Bread
.The only changes I made to the recipe: Cut the salt to ONE TEAPOON, and I used regular granular yeast (which worked perfect). Also, when the bread has baked 30 minutes I slide a metal canning jar ring under the parchment/bread to keep the bottom from scorching when you return it to the oven without the lid to further bake. Otherwise, this is a very simple recipe.
Hubby so enjoys his lunch sandwiches toasted on this bread.
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Apple Pancakes
I just love to make quick and hearty breakfasts for my son to give him a good start on a cold day. These apple pancakes do not contain any flour. Freshly grated organic apples, eggs and spices (cinnamon and cloves). They take less than 15 minutes from start to finish .. use only one bowl and are a great alternative to traditional pancakes made with grains.
Two apples, washed, quartered, cored, shredded and squeeze out the juice (I left the peel on .. but would remove if your apples are not organic)
Three eggs
dash of cinnamon
dash of cloves
cooking fat (today I used a little bacon grease)
Place shredded apples in a bowl. Add the cracked eggs and spices. Mix well with a fork. Spoon in rounds into hot greased skillet. Cook until a little browned on one side .. flip and cook the other side.
Serve with a small splash of real maple syrup or a drizzle of honey. For a treat, I added a drop of On Guard (food grade) essential oil (from doTERRA) to the warm syrup. This oil has immune boosting properties AND gives a hint of spicy orange flavor.
Two apples, washed, quartered, cored, shredded and squeeze out the juice (I left the peel on .. but would remove if your apples are not organic)
Three eggs
dash of cinnamon
dash of cloves
cooking fat (today I used a little bacon grease)
Place shredded apples in a bowl. Add the cracked eggs and spices. Mix well with a fork. Spoon in rounds into hot greased skillet. Cook until a little browned on one side .. flip and cook the other side.
Serve with a small splash of real maple syrup or a drizzle of honey. For a treat, I added a drop of On Guard (food grade) essential oil (from doTERRA) to the warm syrup. This oil has immune boosting properties AND gives a hint of spicy orange flavor.
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetheart)
This week I'm:
Season of Serenity
Do Less
- Diffusing my own version of Thieves' Oil to help ward off the flu/cold season.
- Minimally decorating for Christmas.
- Making meals with 90% fewer grains and feeling much better after our feast on Thanksgiving.
- Making plans with hubby .. HE HAS 20 DAYS LEFT TO WORK UNTIL HE RETIRES.
- Getting my hair cut in a different style .. think layers :)
- Not letting the calendar get overbooked.
- Planning the Christmas dinner to be comfort food .. nothing fancy.
- Stoking the fire in the wood stove .. baby it's COLD outside!
- Putting the finishing touches on our new home office.
- Taking my grandson out on a special date.

Season of Serenity
Do Less
Monday, December 02, 2013
Grain & Gluten Free Salmon Cakes
I try and limit our son's simple carbs. Making fish cakes .. for that matter most 'pan' cakes I just add shredded veggies, seasonings and a few eggs to make a batter to pan fry.
Tonight I took two small cans of Alaskan salmon, drained and flaked .. beat in three eggs, 1/4 cup diced celery, 1/4 cup diced onion .. salt/pepper and a little dill weed.
Spooned them into a large hot skillet with a little chicken fat. Turned once .. and served with a homemade tarter sauce made from homemade mayo, lemon juice and diced fermented dill pickles.
These cakes were gone in a quick minute.
Tonight I took two small cans of Alaskan salmon, drained and flaked .. beat in three eggs, 1/4 cup diced celery, 1/4 cup diced onion .. salt/pepper and a little dill weed.
Spooned them into a large hot skillet with a little chicken fat. Turned once .. and served with a homemade tarter sauce made from homemade mayo, lemon juice and diced fermented dill pickles.
These cakes were gone in a quick minute.
Sunday, December 01, 2013
A Thrifty Christmas Tree
This year Ann wanted to decorate a bare branch tree ... she actually found this just pitched along the roadside a few weeks ago .. wrote down it's exact location and her beau picked it up and brought it home. I just let her have at it and this is what whimsy looks like.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Incomprehensible Denial of Epidemic
I was visiting this Canadian website, Vitality Magazine, and was flabbergasted to read that Canada is in denial about Lyme disease, testing their citizens, and does not offer treatment. Doctors can actually get in HUGE trouble for treating patients; many of whom must travel internationally to seek medical intervention. (I have verified this finding with a Canadian friend). Lyme disease testing can sometimes be difficult to prove positive .. and is often missed; tragically this has led to untreated patients developing a malady of horrific conditions such as: multiple sclerosis, ALS, rheumatoid arthritis, autism, Chron's disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, ADHD, scleroderma and heart disease.
I can't comprehend, with today's easy access to medical 'information' with the click of a mouse, how such blatant denial/medical cover-up can exist. Having several acquaintances being treated for Lyme disease in the U.S.A., it's mind boggling to think of the countless cases just above our northern border that are suffering.
Is this news to you?
CanLyme Disease Foundation
Lyme disease slide show
Why are crippling Lyme disease cases being misdiagnosed?
Lyme disease map project
I can't comprehend, with today's easy access to medical 'information' with the click of a mouse, how such blatant denial/medical cover-up can exist. Having several acquaintances being treated for Lyme disease in the U.S.A., it's mind boggling to think of the countless cases just above our northern border that are suffering.
Is this news to you?
CanLyme Disease Foundation
Lyme disease slide show
Why are crippling Lyme disease cases being misdiagnosed?
Lyme disease map project
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Waking Up
I'm just truly disgusted with the deception and manipulation of the government and (too big to fail) corporate giants that are their bed fellows and have been pushing their (crappy) food through our nation at steam roller speed.
There is NO true health food available unless you grow it yourself or procure it from local sources .. i.e. directly from a trusted farm. Be selective when shopping. Avoid the dreaded 'middle of the store' where the grocery peddlers stock most of the junk. Be aware of shopping tactics used by stores to lure you in their 'web' .. i.e. milk is located at the back of the store so you have to pass countless distractions they hope you will throw in your cart .. when all you wanted was a gallon of milk. Become a smart shopper.
I hope as a nation we have an awakening in mass force to see through the deception that has engulfed us for too long.
How can we have a nation of obesity and be food poor when our % of personal spending has greatly decreased? Enter the manipulation of our food chain with fixed price controls and cheaply made junk food being pushed on the uniformed masses that are consuming highly addictive food from the womb to the tomb (I speak from experience as a former junk food junkie).
Have you ever noticed that a majority of grocery coupons are for items that are highly processed, loaded with trans fat, high fructose corn syrup, white flour, etc? We, as a society, are in a out of control spiral and don't even know it. Now add the socialized health care system (one size fits all), poor national health and we have a disaster in the making.
There is no money to be made from healthy people.
There is NO true health food available unless you grow it yourself or procure it from local sources .. i.e. directly from a trusted farm. Be selective when shopping. Avoid the dreaded 'middle of the store' where the grocery peddlers stock most of the junk. Be aware of shopping tactics used by stores to lure you in their 'web' .. i.e. milk is located at the back of the store so you have to pass countless distractions they hope you will throw in your cart .. when all you wanted was a gallon of milk. Become a smart shopper.
How can we have a nation of obesity and be food poor when our % of personal spending has greatly decreased? Enter the manipulation of our food chain with fixed price controls and cheaply made junk food being pushed on the uniformed masses that are consuming highly addictive food from the womb to the tomb (I speak from experience as a former junk food junkie).
Have you ever noticed that a majority of grocery coupons are for items that are highly processed, loaded with trans fat, high fructose corn syrup, white flour, etc? We, as a society, are in a out of control spiral and don't even know it. Now add the socialized health care system (one size fits all), poor national health and we have a disaster in the making.
There is no money to be made from healthy people.
doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his
patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and
prevention of disease.”
~ Thomas Edison (1847-1931) .
Monday, September 16, 2013
Finally ..
A break in the heat.
Although, last night a whopper of a storm rolled through the Inland Northwest of epic size! A large dust storm .. ahead of thunder and torrential downpours scoured the area.
The kitchen has been steamy of late with outside temps in the 90F's .. and simmering pots of tomato based chili sauce AND applesauce waiting to get canned. I gave up canning outside temporarily due to the 'meat' bees (yellow jackets) swarming around any type of food.
Autumn is a welcome change and will spur us on to get the garden harvested before any frost hits.
Are you squirreling away provisions for winter? Taking down a garden? Saving seeds?
Speaking of seeds, we must be vigilant to be seed savers as countries try to adopt policies to 'force' their citizens to use seeds tested and approved by the government. Imagine that! What would the food supply look like without regional heirloom garden seeds?
Plant Reproductive Material Law
Vegetable Seed Saving Handbook
How to Save Heirloom Tomato Seeds
How to Save Heirloom Vegetable Seeds
How to Save Seeds
Although, last night a whopper of a storm rolled through the Inland Northwest of epic size! A large dust storm .. ahead of thunder and torrential downpours scoured the area.
The kitchen has been steamy of late with outside temps in the 90F's .. and simmering pots of tomato based chili sauce AND applesauce waiting to get canned. I gave up canning outside temporarily due to the 'meat' bees (yellow jackets) swarming around any type of food.
Autumn is a welcome change and will spur us on to get the garden harvested before any frost hits.
Are you squirreling away provisions for winter? Taking down a garden? Saving seeds?
Speaking of seeds, we must be vigilant to be seed savers as countries try to adopt policies to 'force' their citizens to use seeds tested and approved by the government. Imagine that! What would the food supply look like without regional heirloom garden seeds?
Plant Reproductive Material Law
Vegetable Seed Saving Handbook
How to Save Heirloom Tomato Seeds
How to Save Heirloom Vegetable Seeds
How to Save Seeds
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
Off Grid Cooking
Hubby and I have got several options for off grid cooking should we lose our power, or just want to conserve energy.
Our kitchen range is duel fuel; electric oven and gas stove top. With a lighter or a match, we can use the stove to cook on even without electricity.
We've managed a few heat and eat dinners last winter on our wood heat stove .. and I came across this book that even has methods and recipes for such cooking.
American Wood Heat Cookery
We have a two burner high BTU propane stove top for canning and cooking outside.
Our fire pit is equipped with a Grandpa Jake's Campfire Cooker that can be used for hanging kettles and cast iron skillets.
Last but not least our cast iron Dutch oven to use with charcoal or wood coals outside. This can be used to bake bread and roast meats.
It's good to be prepared for all seasons with alternative cooking devices that don't require electricity.
And if you're really, really wanting to try slow cooking that mimics an electric crock pot .. you could try a hot hay box and get the same results.
Do you have a means to prepare meals without electricity .. other than a BBQ grill?
Our kitchen range is duel fuel; electric oven and gas stove top. With a lighter or a match, we can use the stove to cook on even without electricity.
We've managed a few heat and eat dinners last winter on our wood heat stove .. and I came across this book that even has methods and recipes for such cooking.
American Wood Heat Cookery
We have a two burner high BTU propane stove top for canning and cooking outside.
Our fire pit is equipped with a Grandpa Jake's Campfire Cooker that can be used for hanging kettles and cast iron skillets.
Last but not least our cast iron Dutch oven to use with charcoal or wood coals outside. This can be used to bake bread and roast meats.
It's good to be prepared for all seasons with alternative cooking devices that don't require electricity.
And if you're really, really wanting to try slow cooking that mimics an electric crock pot .. you could try a hot hay box and get the same results.
Do you have a means to prepare meals without electricity .. other than a BBQ grill?
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Pickle Taste Test
We've cracked into the fermented spicy garlic dills that were started a few weeks ago. Actually, they are so good that we're on our second round and they are just as delicious. Both times I used the same recipe. Gathering about a gallon of medium to semi-large pickling cukes .. you know the size the delis sell from the pickle barrel. All day sour pickles!
I cooled the freshly picked cukes in a bowl of ice and stored them in the fridge overnight. Every single pickle is crisp .. even the spears.
Here's the recipe that I followed .. (except I substituted my own mix of mustard seed, whole black pepper and red pepper flakes for the pickling spice). There will be several more batches 'hatched' as our backyard cukes are abundant this year.
Fermented pickles are good for digestion. Have you made any fermented pickles or vegetables this summer?
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(an 'aside') .. look at those vine ripened tomatoes .. first time in YEARS to not pick green! |
I cooled the freshly picked cukes in a bowl of ice and stored them in the fridge overnight. Every single pickle is crisp .. even the spears.
Here's the recipe that I followed .. (except I substituted my own mix of mustard seed, whole black pepper and red pepper flakes for the pickling spice). There will be several more batches 'hatched' as our backyard cukes are abundant this year.
Fermented pickles are good for digestion. Have you made any fermented pickles or vegetables this summer?
Friday, August 30, 2013
Mop To It!
Scrub, scrub, scrub ... the chore of cleaning hard surface floors, ugh!
Twice a year I get down on hands and knees with a bucket of hot soapy water and a scrub brush to get the nitty-gritty, corners and baseboards super clean. We have quite a bit of surface to scrub by hand, so most weeks I sweep, vacuum, spot clean. Every other week I get out my steam mop.
My kitchen floor gets abused during the summer with canning and preserving. Berry parts drop and splash, tomato skins and anything else I run through my Sauce Master Food Strainer dribble here and there. The rug attracts crumbs galore. The steam mop does an OK job, but it's hard to get along the edges with much success. And from the looks of the cleaning bucket's water yesterday, I'd say too much time has gone by since the last good cleaning .. and how can that much dirt be on the floor?
I use the same homemade cleaner for our no-wax vinyl, sealed wood and linoleum. For the wood I don't use a scrub brush, but a cleaning rag wrung out followed by a soft dry rag.
Homemade floor cleaner:
1-1/2 to 2 gallons hot water
1 teaspoon borax (softens water/sanitizes)
1/2 cup white distilled vinegar (softens water/sanitizes)
1-2 teaspoons liquid dish soap (to help as a de-greaser)
2-3 drops lemon essential oil (optional)
Swish and mix the ingredients. I have had no problems with this leaving any type of film.
Be sure to mix up a new batch when the water gets too dirty. Most floors come clean from elbow grease when hand washing. Do not let soapy water 'sit' on a wood floor, wash and wipe in small sections. Next time I'm going to use my squishy gardener's kneeling pad.
Kiss those expensive floor cleaners goodbye.
What's your best floor care tip?
Twice a year I get down on hands and knees with a bucket of hot soapy water and a scrub brush to get the nitty-gritty, corners and baseboards super clean. We have quite a bit of surface to scrub by hand, so most weeks I sweep, vacuum, spot clean. Every other week I get out my steam mop.
My kitchen floor gets abused during the summer with canning and preserving. Berry parts drop and splash, tomato skins and anything else I run through my Sauce Master Food Strainer dribble here and there. The rug attracts crumbs galore. The steam mop does an OK job, but it's hard to get along the edges with much success. And from the looks of the cleaning bucket's water yesterday, I'd say too much time has gone by since the last good cleaning .. and how can that much dirt be on the floor?
I use the same homemade cleaner for our no-wax vinyl, sealed wood and linoleum. For the wood I don't use a scrub brush, but a cleaning rag wrung out followed by a soft dry rag.
Homemade floor cleaner:
1-1/2 to 2 gallons hot water
1 teaspoon borax (softens water/sanitizes)
1/2 cup white distilled vinegar (softens water/sanitizes)
1-2 teaspoons liquid dish soap (to help as a de-greaser)
2-3 drops lemon essential oil (optional)
Swish and mix the ingredients. I have had no problems with this leaving any type of film.
Be sure to mix up a new batch when the water gets too dirty. Most floors come clean from elbow grease when hand washing. Do not let soapy water 'sit' on a wood floor, wash and wipe in small sections. Next time I'm going to use my squishy gardener's kneeling pad.
Kiss those expensive floor cleaners goodbye.
What's your best floor care tip?
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Before Winter Sets In
We're readying our food storage areas.
This involves cleaning out the deep freezers by using up last years meats and frozen foods by sorting, tossing and separating the old from the new. Our veggies are stored away by blanching, freezing in single layers and then vacuum sealing in food storage bags. I've got three of our four freezer shelves designated for this summer's goods, leaving one shelf for last year's goods that will be eaten first. Any produce that has been frozen too long gets tossed in the compost bin. We store a mix of home canned goods as well for emergencies such as peaches, green beans and tomato products.
Beef and chicken stocks are made; some to be frozen in straight sided jars ... and some to be canned. These are stored in 1-4 cup increments to make quick and delicious bases for soups, gravies and sauces. When we order our beef, I always ask for bare and meaty soup bones. They are kept frozen until I have time to prepare the stock. Chickens are ordered whole and freshly butchered. It takes a good half day for me to cut them into serving parts that get bagged and vacuum sealed for the freezer .. but once this job is done, it's very convenient to pull out a bag of wings, drumsticks, thighs, breasts or mixed parts. The livers and hearts are separated and frozen as well, and the backs are bagged 4-5 together, frozen and pulled out when it's more convenient to make chicken stock. With the price of store bought stock, making it at home is very economical and of a better quality.
Our raspberries produced and produced! They have been turned into homemade jams, juices, and some frozen for later use. We have an abundance of wild raspberries, blueberries and huckleberries as well. Frozen berries are good additions to homemade waffles, yogurt, pies and smoothies. These can be easily grown, picked wild, or purchased at your farmer's market. With the exception of lemons, we try and only buy produce in season.
We're starting to harvest herbs such as dill, thyme, oregano, marjoram and basil for drying. They get picked, bundled and hung in the rafters of our shed. In a week or so, they're dry and ready to strip off the stems to store away in jars. We go through a lot of herbs during the winter months and growing them in the garden is quite easy. With the exception of the basil and rosemary, most of our herbs come back each year.
Now that we've made the initial investment installing our gardens, much of our produce is practically free by harvesting and saving our own seeds .. and that's a good thing!
Ask yourself this question: 'This coming year I'd like to learn how to _________ .'
This involves cleaning out the deep freezers by using up last years meats and frozen foods by sorting, tossing and separating the old from the new. Our veggies are stored away by blanching, freezing in single layers and then vacuum sealing in food storage bags. I've got three of our four freezer shelves designated for this summer's goods, leaving one shelf for last year's goods that will be eaten first. Any produce that has been frozen too long gets tossed in the compost bin. We store a mix of home canned goods as well for emergencies such as peaches, green beans and tomato products.
Beef and chicken stocks are made; some to be frozen in straight sided jars ... and some to be canned. These are stored in 1-4 cup increments to make quick and delicious bases for soups, gravies and sauces. When we order our beef, I always ask for bare and meaty soup bones. They are kept frozen until I have time to prepare the stock. Chickens are ordered whole and freshly butchered. It takes a good half day for me to cut them into serving parts that get bagged and vacuum sealed for the freezer .. but once this job is done, it's very convenient to pull out a bag of wings, drumsticks, thighs, breasts or mixed parts. The livers and hearts are separated and frozen as well, and the backs are bagged 4-5 together, frozen and pulled out when it's more convenient to make chicken stock. With the price of store bought stock, making it at home is very economical and of a better quality.
Our raspberries produced and produced! They have been turned into homemade jams, juices, and some frozen for later use. We have an abundance of wild raspberries, blueberries and huckleberries as well. Frozen berries are good additions to homemade waffles, yogurt, pies and smoothies. These can be easily grown, picked wild, or purchased at your farmer's market. With the exception of lemons, we try and only buy produce in season.

Now that we've made the initial investment installing our gardens, much of our produce is practically free by harvesting and saving our own seeds .. and that's a good thing!
Ask yourself this question: 'This coming year I'd like to learn how to _________ .'
Friday, August 23, 2013
... And now to a 'Mis-Adventure'

Two weeks ago our kayaking adventure .. well, let's just say a boating mishap at the dock involving another boater ended our date day before it even began.
The Mr. and I were just about to shove off from the dock in our kayaks when a boat caught on fire. The boat's occupants were able to jump overboard .. and swim to the dock. We were mesmerized by the whole scene ... needless to say .. no kayaking that day. Mr. Mac pulled a lady out of the water and onto the dock .. then he rescued our kayaks as the flaming boat drifted ever so close and came to rest at the dock.
Nobody was injured. Boat was insured. Dock did not burn down.
All is well that ends well.
Now for a little less excitement!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
An Adventure
The Mr. and I enjoy kayaking. We rented from a local outfitter for the first two years and even took lessons on how to stay safe ... tip over .. get back in drenched .. etc. We ended up purchasing these same kayaks, used, for half the cost of new ones.
With the short lived summer months, we try and find any excuse to hit the local lakes and waterways.
Now on to the adventure: As silly as it could seem, kayaking in the same location over and over can get boring. We live in an area with lots of mountain lakes, streams and rivers. This summer I have turned to the internet to find local spots worth paddling by following the calender of a kayaking club. Yesterday we had a double date with a married couple we're friends with .. meeting up for kayaking and then a picnic.
At first glance setting the kayaks in the water, I actually thought this might not be a great spot .. and what was this 'club' thinking when selecting this location. We launched from a bay with semi deep water and a view of the interstate hwy .. with the noise and such. Yes, it was still a beautiful spot that I've often admired when we pass along the roadway in our truck. Then I spied a small channel of water under a roadway with a sign that read 'no motorized' vessels. Traveling for what seemed miles, we encountered a wetland with a water passage 10 ~ 100 feet wide .. winding around bends, opening up in places with views of secluded farms and cattle grazing. A huge moose was spied along the shore, eagles, hawks, herons and ducks. No highway noise .. just tranquil bird song and remnants of hewn log bridges to float under, weathered structures well over a hundred years. Idaho history before our very eyes ... that whispered of past human existence here.
In the tradition of never giving out your huckleberry picking spot, mums the word on this exact location (LOL).
Tomorrow .. on to some mis-adventure.
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Mr. Mac and friends |
With the short lived summer months, we try and find any excuse to hit the local lakes and waterways.
Now on to the adventure: As silly as it could seem, kayaking in the same location over and over can get boring. We live in an area with lots of mountain lakes, streams and rivers. This summer I have turned to the internet to find local spots worth paddling by following the calender of a kayaking club. Yesterday we had a double date with a married couple we're friends with .. meeting up for kayaking and then a picnic.
At first glance setting the kayaks in the water, I actually thought this might not be a great spot .. and what was this 'club' thinking when selecting this location. We launched from a bay with semi deep water and a view of the interstate hwy .. with the noise and such. Yes, it was still a beautiful spot that I've often admired when we pass along the roadway in our truck. Then I spied a small channel of water under a roadway with a sign that read 'no motorized' vessels. Traveling for what seemed miles, we encountered a wetland with a water passage 10 ~ 100 feet wide .. winding around bends, opening up in places with views of secluded farms and cattle grazing. A huge moose was spied along the shore, eagles, hawks, herons and ducks. No highway noise .. just tranquil bird song and remnants of hewn log bridges to float under, weathered structures well over a hundred years. Idaho history before our very eyes ... that whispered of past human existence here.
In the tradition of never giving out your huckleberry picking spot, mums the word on this exact location (LOL).
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Mrs. Mac |
Tomorrow .. on to some mis-adventure.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Roasted Roma Tomatoes
A mid winter's jewel to pull out of the storage pantry. By far, this is my MOST favorite recipe for canned tomatoes. Its rich earthy flavor can make spaghetti sauce go from plain to out of this world. Rarely do I have to add additional tomato paste when using this jarred goodness as the base in tomato dishes. Made from roma or paste type tomatoes, roasted fresh garlic, charred tomatoes, onions, a hint of extra virgin olive, fresh oregano .. and a little sea salt .. it begs to be awarded a blue ribbon.
12 lbs roma or paste type tomatoes
4 bulbs garlic
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1-1/2 cups chopped onion
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
bottled lemon juice
Drizzle the garlic with a little bit of olive oil ... wrap the heads in a pouch of aluminum foil; sealing well. Place on a shallow baking dish and bake at 350F for 30-60 minutes (or until soft). Remove from oven and cool.
If you have a second oven, while the garlic is baking, wash tomatoes ... pat dry. Then place them on a baking sheet or broiler pan and place under the broiler until they just begin to char. Turn tomatoes over with a pair of large tongs and broil the other side.
Place the tomatoes fresh from the broiler into a heavy brown paper bag that is sitting on a tray to catch any leakage from the bag. Fold over the top of bag and wait for about 15 minutes. This process took three times for my tomatoes. When cool enough to handle, the skins should just slip off. Cut tomatoes in half and squeeze out some of the seeds. Chop the tomatoes into 1/2 inch pieces. Place chopped/seeded tomatoes into a large stock pan. Either peel or squeeze the garlic out of the skins and add along with other ingredients. Cook until hot. Add 2 tablespoons bottled lemon juice to each quart jar. Seal properly and process in a boiling water canner for 1 hour 25 minutes at sea level. Adjust time according to your altitude. Makes 4 quarts. (Each quart takes 3 lbs of tomatoes .. I had 15 pounds of tomatoes so adjusted the recipe accordingly and ended up with 5 quarts).
This recipe is from the Ball Blue Book guide to preserving, 2010 edition. Please refer to canning safety guides if you are new to home canning.
12 lbs roma or paste type tomatoes
4 bulbs garlic
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1-1/2 cups chopped onion
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
bottled lemon juice
Drizzle the garlic with a little bit of olive oil ... wrap the heads in a pouch of aluminum foil; sealing well. Place on a shallow baking dish and bake at 350F for 30-60 minutes (or until soft). Remove from oven and cool.
If you have a second oven, while the garlic is baking, wash tomatoes ... pat dry. Then place them on a baking sheet or broiler pan and place under the broiler until they just begin to char. Turn tomatoes over with a pair of large tongs and broil the other side.
Place the tomatoes fresh from the broiler into a heavy brown paper bag that is sitting on a tray to catch any leakage from the bag. Fold over the top of bag and wait for about 15 minutes. This process took three times for my tomatoes. When cool enough to handle, the skins should just slip off. Cut tomatoes in half and squeeze out some of the seeds. Chop the tomatoes into 1/2 inch pieces. Place chopped/seeded tomatoes into a large stock pan. Either peel or squeeze the garlic out of the skins and add along with other ingredients. Cook until hot. Add 2 tablespoons bottled lemon juice to each quart jar. Seal properly and process in a boiling water canner for 1 hour 25 minutes at sea level. Adjust time according to your altitude. Makes 4 quarts. (Each quart takes 3 lbs of tomatoes .. I had 15 pounds of tomatoes so adjusted the recipe accordingly and ended up with 5 quarts).
This recipe is from the Ball Blue Book guide to preserving, 2010 edition. Please refer to canning safety guides if you are new to home canning.
Monday, August 19, 2013
A Pickle By Any Other Name
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Dill Pickles |
I've heard of two ailments that dill pickle juice can possibly remedy.
1) a mild tummy ache
2) muscle cramps
With a mild tummy ache this morning I took a small shot of dill pickle juice. While the tummy ache eventually went away, I think this helped with causing me to burp so may aid in heartburn relief. One try is not enough to make any conclusions.
Taking a small amount (2.5 oz) of dill pickle juice is reported to speed up relief from muscle cramps. If you have a medical condition that limits salt, check with your doctor first. Be sure to check out the links for more details.
From the Original White House Cookbook, 1887 edition ... under 'Health Suggestions' ... it mentions on page 495: "Nervous spasms are usually relieved by a little salt taken into the mouth and allowed to dissolve."
Yea or Nay? What do you say? Do you have an old time remedy for a tummy ache and/or muscle cramps/spasms?
Saturday, August 17, 2013
A Cold ~ of Yore
So last night I mulled around on Face Book with friends about catching cold from temperature changes .. wet hair .. etc. The scientific community tells us we cannot catch a cold in such a manner .. but I've come down sick on different occasions from exposure to sudden temperature changes .. perhaps it was the impetus to push my immune system over the edge .. who knows. Moist salt air is supposed to also be good for asthma .. and, yet, I've gotten bronchitis from spending a breezy day at the beach. Perhaps it was the breeze with a bit of fine particulate mixed in that ruined my week and sent me to the emergency room for a breathing treatment. I'm certain this type of incident would spark an old wives tale. Don't play at the beach with a dusty onshore breeze. Perhaps there is a bit of truth to the miasma theory about disease from bad air.
With that in mind, let's just say that I don't go to bed with wet hair .. nor do I entreat sudden temperature changes and allow myself to get chilled, or visit the beach with hazy air. Have I prevented an illness? I hope so.
How susceptible are you to weather changes and illness?
Next time we will explore the benefits of drinking pickle juice :) (LOL)
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The works of Messrs Fairbairn and Sons, Manchester, 1860 |
With that in mind, let's just say that I don't go to bed with wet hair .. nor do I entreat sudden temperature changes and allow myself to get chilled, or visit the beach with hazy air. Have I prevented an illness? I hope so.
How susceptible are you to weather changes and illness?
Next time we will explore the benefits of drinking pickle juice :) (LOL)
Friday, August 16, 2013
Hints in Regard to Health and Well Being
The Thrifty Garden/Home actually started out as my home building blog (This/New House) in 2006. After the building process was complete, gears were changed to include learning how to live more frugally thru gardening, home cooking and managing our household on one income.
Today I'm taking the blog in another direction as I've run out of frugal living tips but have much to share about old time wisdom I have come across in many written accounts in various cook books published in the 18th and 19th centuries. In times before modern health care, many a homemaker was the first responder to her family's well being both preventative and hands on. With the advent of the industrial revolution, women going off into the work force, duel incomes, etc. the important tasks of the homemaker were neglected. When at one time knowledge to ward off illness was life or death wisdom that was commonly carried across the prairies with the pioneers, in today's world such information has been forgotten leaving people to rely solely on 'modern' medicine.
It seems that western medicine has taken on the roll of sick care, instead of health care. What I'm about to share is a bit of folk wisdom, grandma's remedies and old time common sense knowledge minus the avarice of modern insurance plans that place profits ahead of a patient's well being. Let's learn how to stay healthy together.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and, therefore, am not giving medical advice. Simply, I'm relaying some older generational remedies to mostly prevent sickness and bodily harm.
Today I'm taking the blog in another direction as I've run out of frugal living tips but have much to share about old time wisdom I have come across in many written accounts in various cook books published in the 18th and 19th centuries. In times before modern health care, many a homemaker was the first responder to her family's well being both preventative and hands on. With the advent of the industrial revolution, women going off into the work force, duel incomes, etc. the important tasks of the homemaker were neglected. When at one time knowledge to ward off illness was life or death wisdom that was commonly carried across the prairies with the pioneers, in today's world such information has been forgotten leaving people to rely solely on 'modern' medicine.
It seems that western medicine has taken on the roll of sick care, instead of health care. What I'm about to share is a bit of folk wisdom, grandma's remedies and old time common sense knowledge minus the avarice of modern insurance plans that place profits ahead of a patient's well being. Let's learn how to stay healthy together.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and, therefore, am not giving medical advice. Simply, I'm relaying some older generational remedies to mostly prevent sickness and bodily harm.
"An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure"
by: Benjamin Franklin, American Statesman and Inventor
1706 ~ 1790
The current readings are selected from the book, The Original White House Cookbook, 1887 edition
(I will often quote word for word as such books are well past the 100 year copyright date and beg to be shared)
From page 494, Hints in Regard to Health:
"It is plainly seen by an inquiring mind that, aside from the selection and preparation of food, there are many little things constantly arising in the experience of every-day life which, in the combined effect, are powerful agents in the formation (or prevention) of perfect health. A careful observance of these little occurrences, an inquiry into the philosophy attending them, lies within the province, and indeed should be considered among the highest duties, of every housekeeper.
That one should be cautious about entering a sick room in a state of perspiration, as the moment you become cool your pores absorb. Do not approach contagious diseases with an empty stomach, nor sit between the sick and the fire (heater) because the heat attracts the vapor."
Simple put .. we are to not only know the importance of proper food preparation AND how to observe and know properly how to attend to a sick family member without greatly risking our own health. We will learn much more on the importance of temperature control in rooms and the ill effects to our bodies.
Simple put .. we are to not only know the importance of proper food preparation AND how to observe and know properly how to attend to a sick family member without greatly risking our own health. We will learn much more on the importance of temperature control in rooms and the ill effects to our bodies.
Stay tuned ...
Friday, July 26, 2013
'Chasing' away the summer heat ... a day in pictures
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Company and Gardening
We have visitors .. my parents .. so in between being a good hostess .. and letting them fend for themselves quite a bit .. the garden is flourishing.
Our Montmormency (sour) cherries are ready to pick.
This past spring I made a homemade dormant oil spray (water, vinegar, coconut oil soap, tea tree oil) and applied it to our fruit trees; we have not had any insect pests on the apples or cherries .. A scarecrow, fake owl and bird netting over the tree have helped GREATLY keeping the birds from having breakfast, lunch and dinner.
We're harvesting lettuce, Asian peas, bok choy, onions, black currents, cherries and herbs galore.
With the heat last weak, I decided to try my hand at outdoor Dutch oven (D.O.) cooking.
The Mr. has set up an outdoor cooking area complete with propane burners and a place to cook in the D.O.
Our Montmormency (sour) cherries are ready to pick.
This past spring I made a homemade dormant oil spray (water, vinegar, coconut oil soap, tea tree oil) and applied it to our fruit trees; we have not had any insect pests on the apples or cherries .. A scarecrow, fake owl and bird netting over the tree have helped GREATLY keeping the birds from having breakfast, lunch and dinner.
We're harvesting lettuce, Asian peas, bok choy, onions, black currents, cherries and herbs galore.
With the heat last weak, I decided to try my hand at outdoor Dutch oven (D.O.) cooking.
The Mr. has set up an outdoor cooking area complete with propane burners and a place to cook in the D.O.
Summer is in full swing with home projects (garden gates),
mini trips and family get-togethers.
How does your garden grow?
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