Photo: Great grandparents at their farm in Blandinsville, IL, with five of their six children .. my grandpa was yet a twinkle in grandma's eye. Stable boy and governess also pictured. Hodges farm, circa 1903-4

Friday, June 27, 2014

Weekend Reads ... And Thinking Outside The (Cereal) Box

In the ongoing gut healing process, after eliminating 95% of our grains, one has to think differently about the 'champion of breakfast' choice of food. Today's fancy was in the form of a quickly assembled Italian style STOUP (Rachel Ray's slang for thinner than stew ~ thicker than soup meal).  With the garden producing cool weather crops .. spinach, bok choy, kale, herbs .. the dish was easy to assemble.  On hand in the freezer I keep cooked chicken meat packed in broth and jars of chicken broth as fast food.  If you're going to eat soup for breakfast .. just set out the frozen items before bed.

Our forage into the garden produced beautiful yields of vitamin/mineral/enzyme rich goods.  One secret to help keep the enzymes active is to add them at the end of the short cooking process .. leaving them somewhat tender~crispy.  Remember .. the meat has already been cooked.

To a large stock pot I added the thawed chicken meat and broth, bringing both to a slight simmer.   Carrots were added to give a little extra cooking time.  Mineral rich sea salt and pepper were added .. then half of the freshly picked/chopped herbs and some freshly pressed garlic.  A cup of leftover cooked brown rice was added .. then the chopped fresh greens (spinach, bok choy, kale, etc.) with a brief simmer of 1-2 minutes max.  Before serving I tossed in the rest of the chopped herbs and topped each serving bowl with a squeeze of myer lemon juice.  The chicken meat and little bit of rice made the meal satisfying and filling.  Gelatin rich chicken broth can resurrect the dead!

Measurements ... not an exact science .. perhaps 1 cup of chicken meat and 6-8 cups of stock.  1-1/2 quarts of chopped greens .. salt/pepper to taste.  1/2 cup of diced herbs such a dill, thyme, common oregano (mild), marjoram), 1 cup of cooked brown rice ... splash of fresh lemon juice .. a piece of peel for the pot .. 2 cloves of garlic.

Soup for breakfast ... now we're talking!

What's your favorite non modern-traditional breakfast food?

Weekend reads: ( cooking with chicken liver, heads and feet and the many health benefits) .. oh, my!

Getting A Real Education ~ Rural Revolution

16 Things That affect Your Gut Bacteria/Marks Daily Apple


Sue said...

I've been taken off grains by my naturopath, and have started having bean soup every morning. I love it!
Lots of carrots, celery, onions, and a rich stock from the freezer. Delicious!

Sandy Livesay said...

Mrs. Mac,

I could eat soup any time of the day. Fresh homemade soup is something I crave all the time.

I also crave homemade bagels with fresh tomatoes and basil with a cup of hot tea or coffee. Yes....I know I'm strange what can I say.

Unknown said...

I stick with porridge every morning as I save half for the chickens. Really boring but I spice it up with honey and cinnamon x

Living on Less Money said...

I have been off grains for over a year. My blood sugar is normal and so is my cholesterol. My favorite breakfast is sauteed cabbage with a piece of ham or sausage or bacon. Yum!